Collaborating with companies can be a huge benefit to your time on Instagram. Whether you started your IG account for business or for fun (like me), the more it grew the more you realized the potential for greater opportunities. Let’s face it, if we are spending hours upon hours on something, we should figure out a way to turn that passion into profit. To start in this direction, we must ask ourselves what draws companies to influencers? In every collaboration I have participated in, the company approached me. What drew them to me? I believe it was quality photos and quality engagement. I work ahead in taking my photos for the week. I take the time to make sure they are good quality and will go with the aesthetic of my feed. I don’t lessen my standards just to have a picture to post. If I don’t have anything for that day, I won’t force it. I will wait until I have a great picture ready that will hopefully create great engagement. Most often, I will try and create engagement by asking my audience a question or stirring up a topic of conversation. Then, I always do my best to respond to every comment. This creates authentic engagement. People appreciate and desire connection. By engaging back with my audience, they feel more connected to me and will most likely continue commenting on additional posts. Engagement brings connection and connection produces community. As your community grows, your influence grows. This is what companies are looking for. Influencers that influence. If you are looking to go in the direction of turning your passion into profit, my advice would be to start with quality photos and quality engagement. Take time to build your brand and watch that passion bring in the well deserved profit!
Let's be real... life can be complicated. How about we do it together and have fun along the way as we find the happy in our every day?!
Love your home. I have cousins in Alabama .
Thank you! Gotta love Alabama. Thanks for reading my blog.